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Discussie: Watchmen 2

  1. #1

    Standaard Watchmen 2

    Before a movie came along, the story of the WATCHMEN was seen by many as too difficult to translate into film.
    Whether the fans were ready for it or not, the movie adaptation of Alan Moore's graphic novel premiered in 2009. The response on the film continues to be mixed, as the adaptation just didn't do the novel justice for most. But when you thought it was all finished and there was nothing more to say, according to DC's senior vice president Dan Didio, there's much more.
    When Paul Levitz left his position as President and publisher of DC Comics it left the story of the WATCHMEN alone, vulnerable, and ready to be exploited by anyone. Didio has taken it upon himself to crusade for prequels, sequels, and spin-offs for the world that is occupied by Rorschach, Nite Owl II, Dr. Manhattan, Silk Spectre II, Ozymandias, amongst many others.
    Levitz stayed loyal to Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, saying that he knew they would be against anything WATCHMEN 2. Now with Levitz out of the picture and Moore disassociating himself completely from his own work, this leaves Didio free to do what he wants. These events were said to have been a long time coming. The characters of the WATCHMEN were going to make their way into the universe of, 52. Instead, Earth 4 was inspired by elements of WATCHMEN.
    Do what you want with this information. I wouldn't be surprised if certain WATCHMEN started popping up in other projects. Then again, how much of an audience would this have? I don't want to pull the fangirl card out here by starting talk about how awful or dreadful I think this could possibly be. Only because I honestly don't know if they'll get it off the ground.
    Voor mij wel eel plus punt,deel 1 had mij zo onverwachts bevallen..

    Hope is lost. Faith is broken. A fire will rise..

  2. #2


    Hoeft voor mij absoluut niet. Watchmen was en is fantastisch, hoef geen side stories etc..

  3. #3


    Watchmen was inderdaad fantastisch.
    Opzich ben ik wel voor meer films in het watchmen universum, maar dan wel weer met Zack Snyder aan het roer
    It's not the size of the man that counts in a fight, it's the size of fight in the man.

  4. #4


    Not going to happen.

  5. #5


    Hope not. Het hele verhaal van de Watchmen is al verteld. Dan moeten ze nu zelf verhalen gaan bedenken om geld in het laatje te brengen... Nee, dankje. De comic is geweldig vertaald, verneuk het niet door het verhaal te verkloten...

  6. #6


    Citaat Oorspronkelijk gepost door Symphony X Bekijk bericht
    Hoeft voor mij absoluut niet. Watchmen was en is fantastisch, hoef geen side stories etc..
    New: The Last Warning - MoC LE, Vampyr - MoC LE
    Coming ASAP: -

  7. #7


    Dit gaat meer over de comics dan de films zelf, en dan nog meer een kruisbestuiving van de personages dan een direct vervolg op Watchmen.
    If you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. And my straw reaches acrooooss the room and starts to drink your milkshake... I drink your milkshake!

  8. #8


    Rorschach is bovendien al dood in deel 1.

  9. #9


    Godslastering, maak er dan ook maar een cartoonserie en Happymeal figuurtjes bij...

    Youtube filmpje

    Ik had dit volgens mij al eens in een ander topic gepost, maar leek me wel toepasselijk.

  10. #10


    Rorschach is bovendien al dood in deel 1.
    Bedankt voor de tip, kan ik hem binnenkort met dit in mijn achterhoofd gaan zien!
    PFFFFFFFF Verwijder het bericht aub. even of maak er een spoiler tag van!!!!
    Laatst aangepast door Filmfan Leroy : 06-02-2010 om 17:14

  11. #11


    Erg voorbarig topic, wat wel bevestigd wordt met dit bericht:

    No Plans for a Watchmen Movie Sequel

    Source:Deadline Hollywood
    February 4, 2010

    The web has been going wild with rumors after Bleeding Cool published this article about a possible Watchmen sequel. Granted, they were referring mostly to a possible sequel to the graphic novel and not the movie, but the site did make a brief mention of who the movie sequel rights belonged to. Deadline Hollywood's Nikki Finki checked it out and received the following:

    But a well-placed insider tells me: "There is no truth to anything related to a movie sequel. Not a chance by a longshot. With regards to the comics, well, I guess anything is possible. I'll keep my opinion to myself as to whether it's a smart idea to do so."

    Zack Snyder's Watchmen wasn't a big hit for Warner Bros., making $185.3 million worldwide on a budget of $130 million.
    "That's not the director's cut, that's called "The Asshole, Dredge Up Anything You Fucking Can, Put It Out There, and Let Some Schmuck Look at It for $13.99 Cut." -- Shane Black

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